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Hi, I am Ally.

I will never forget standing in the front office when there was a discussion about a task needing to be done, and my boss said, "Ask Ally to do it.  She never says no."  That comment was like a slap to the face.  He was right!  I never said no.  I wanted to be everything for everyone.  I wanted to right wrongs for others.  I wanted to make life magical for both my own children and the children in my classroom/school.   I wanted to do well in my career.  Well, I wanted a lot.  Somewhere along the way, however, I was burning the candle at both ends, and burning out! 
I did the only thing I knew to do as a mama, wife, and career woman, and that was to focus on making it through the large list of expectations I had on me every day.  I was in survival mode, and I sort of lost myself as an individual.  In truth, if I didn't have my faith, those dark days would have been even darker.  
I am fortunate to have experienced working with coaches on my journey.  These experiences revitalized my soul, and helped me gain momentum towards my now thriving life. In fact, I have my own coach currently!
My personal and professional career paths lead me to a passion to support other people, especially women, on their journeys towards thriving in life.  Every soul is worth this peace and joy.  It is my honor to help as many women as possible to achieve this.
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